Business View Caribbean - February 2015 71
& I installations, civil/structural installations, mechan-
ical installations and contract maintenance; Automa-
tion – management information systems, PLC and PC
based control systems, automation of “manual” pro-
cesses, HMI configuration and integration; and Energy
Conservation – energy audits and payback analysis,
electrical power surveys, cost reduction systems, al-
ternate energy and fuel substitute system analysis and
“The formation was predicated on providing deeper
technical support on construction projects, given the
engineering consulting background of its founder and
the perceived need for such a service at the time,”
said Derek de Freitas, D2F’s managing director. “The
evolution since then has been 20 percent vision as to
the market sector to be pursued and 80 percent mar-
ket demand, or what the customer wanted.”
D2F employee numbers vary according to contract re-
quirements. They have peaked at more than 150 and
will cycle depending on projects, with the core perma-