74 February 2015 - Business View Caribbean
ages. Industries served include hydrocarbon process-
ing, electric utilities, petrochemical, iron and steel,
oil and gas, cement, light manufacturing, water and
wastewater, food and beverage, general industries,
commercial buildings and hotels.
“There is fierce competition in the construction indus-
try, but we are very competitive because of our size,”
de Freitas said. “Also, we pride ourselves on building
trust with our clients. Additionally we can offer engi-
neering support and have won several projects be-
cause of our engineering procurement and construc-
tion capability. That is where we add the engineering
technical support to the construction services. We do
get a lot of work from a few of our clients rather than a
little work from many clients.
“In fact, one of our clients is with us for about 28 of
the 30 years we have been in existence. This relation-
ship was developed on mutual trust, performance and
listening to the client and their needs and making that
the priority.”
D2F Technical has provided technical resources to
clients to meet several short term and longer term
needs, such as shutdowns and turnarounds, emer-
gency work, project based, seconded to client office,
MSA agreements and day and night shift. All technical