Business View Caribbean | August 2022

75 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 8 C&D CONSTRUCT ION AND ENGINEER ING L IMI TED Of course, none of these projects would be possible for C&D without the valuable relationships they have developed with suppliers like Pro Hardware, Cameron Industries, Impact Industrial, and Berger Paints. On the consulting side, quantity surveying firm Burrowes, and Wallace and Consulting Engineering Firm Jentech, each contribute to the success of the company. “They are two of the most respected consultants on the island,” says Wint. He adds that JMMB bank is another important partner for C&D Construction and Engineering, along with the various government clients such as the Ministry of Education, the National Housing Trust, and HEART Trust NSTA– an agency providing technical vocational education and training. Sharing that they do a lot of projects for HEART Trust, Wint states that he also relies on them to fill the labor shortages. “In terms of qualified labor, sometimes it is a problem,” he explains, “So we want to continue to partner with HEART Trust NSTA to certify persons so that they can be qualified for the workforce.”