Business View Caribbean - August 2015 77
a new terminal would go,” he said. “We can reserve
that space and all the other facilities around that new
terminal. If we see these events happening or being
planned, then we will know what (the Ministry of Tour-
ism’s) expectations are in terms of tourists, and we
can plan accordingly.
“If (medical tourism) happens to take off, there’s an-
other trigger event that might cause this thing to hap-
pen a little bit earlier.”
Alongside the terminal expansion project, additional
runway and apron work is being looked at to accommo-
date the arrivals of large 777 aircraft, which can hold
as many as 550 passengers and come in at lengths of
250 feet, wingspans of 235 feet and landing weights
of more than 500,000 pounds.
Other means of revenue are also being discussed, as
is an employee development initiative that would re-
sult in the Caymans having the region’s best security,
air traffic controllers and customer service personnel
– with an aim to guarantee the business remains sus-
tainable well into the future.
“Eighty percent of our focus is going to be on the ter-
minal expansion, because that is the key thing for us