BVC - August 2015 - page 8

8 August 2015 - Business View Caribbean
Before The Storm Hits: Prepare Now for a
Safer Clean-up After a Storm or Hurricane
Before a summer storm or hurricane arrives, it’s im-
portant for home and business owners to prepare
for storm clean-up. The Outdoor Power Equipment
Institute (OPEI), an international trade association
representing small engine, utility vehicle and out-
door power equipment manufacturers and suppli-
ers, reminds home and business owners that it’s
best to get ready before a storm strikes.
“The days after a storm can be dangerous for peo-
ple who are trying to get things back to normal and
facing extraordinary circumstances,” said Kris Kiser,
President and CEO of OPEI. “Emergency prepara-
tion is so important. Getting your chainsaw ready,
filling up your fuel can, and finding your work gloves,
is just as important as stocking up on toilet paper,
bread and milk at the grocery store before a storm.”
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