BVC July 2016 - page 7

Business View Caribbean - January 2016 7
Business Viewers, good day, good year, and good month!!! I love this time of the month
because it’s when I get to communicate to our readers, not only how much we appreci-
ate your being a valued subscriber of The Best Magazine on Earth (that’s the synopsis
from an internal survey taken amongst our staffers and interns – and I don’t think they’re
biased), but also inform you of the strides we’re continually making so that we can ex-
tend that survey to all of you to earn your vote as, dare I say it again, The Best Magazine
on Earth!
Now, while I understand that it’s a bit presumptuous to assert that we are, in fact The
Best Magazine on Earth, I don’t think it’s too much to assume that we are, perhaps, your
favorite Caribbean magazine for executives. Now, I don’t expect you to take my word for
it (although you could and be quite confident in the source—depending on who you ask,
of course!). However, if you just took a moment to perform your own query, you would find that the analytics of our website
are quite impressive in comparison to our competitors.
You would also find the high percentage of our subscribers who not only read our publication, but read it in its entirety. We
rely heavily upon these analytics to assist in our ongoing improvement of the publication. Within all of the searches that have
proven to matter to the core of our readership, Google ranks us in the highest tier, relative to our competitors. In addition, the
company that audits our prescriptions and subscribers has given us an A+ rating in viewership, readership, and subscription
renewals. With a subscribership of just over 400,000 executives, and a readership much higher than that, we feel that we are
well underway of becoming the publication of preference to all of the executives that relish an in-depth Business View.
That being said, it’s imperative that more executives invest in their own digital marketing and media – just as we have. If the
Caribbean is going to be competitive within the global corporate arena, it’s necessary to understand a few undeniable truths.
First, and foremost, the digital universe is not going away; it’s only going to get bigger, better, faster, and more efficient. Your
ability to reach, not only your customers, but those who are influential in attracting your customers to look for you when they
are ready for your goods or services, is now tied inextricably to the internet.
Unfortunately, we find that the average Caribbean business executive underestimates and devalues the necessity of digital
marketing and media to an extent that will soon prove costly, if not fatal, to their business. So, we’re not saying that you can
become an expert in this course of action overnight, but starting today, you should vow to increase your digital marketing
efforts by 100 percent before the end of the year. Then next year, increase that standard by another 100 percent. If you take
these words to heart, by the year 2020, you will find yourself in the top 5 percent of your industry. Otherwise, you may find
yourself wondering why your current venture isn’t seeing the growth you anticipated. If business is a principle of life or death,
then consider digital marketing, social media, and internet awareness the fountain of youth. Or, perhaps, the as the “Grim
Reaper” to those who oppose these words to the wise.
Until next time; plan, build, and continue to prosper!
Andre Barefield
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