May 2015 - page 16

16 May 2015 - Business View Caribbean
Encouraging Efficiency
and Modernization
Barbados Manufacturers’ Association marks milestone, makes progress
The Barbados Manufacturers’ Association has a rich,
highly effective history.
In 2014, its milestone 50th anniversary provided op-
portunity for recommitment to the organization’s mis-
sion – to strengthen and develop the manufacturing
sector in Barbados through collaboration and maximiz-
ing opportunities, both at the local and global levels.
A vision for local manufacturing and a commitment to
the growth and development of local manufactures is
the impetus behind the association’s work. One of its
primary objectives and mandates continues to be the
development of its members and the provision of max-
imum exposure for products both locally and interna-
tionally. To this end, initiatives like BMEX – the associ-
ation’s flagship exhibition – and others that showcase
local products and talents are vigorously pursued.
Advocacy, networking opportunities, mentorship, prod-
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