Business View Caribbean - May 2015 7
A Corner
It’s been amazing to witness the widespread excitement
that many of the executives that read Business View Ca-
ribbean have expressed across the globe. We relish the
fact that we have an exclusive readership of senior level
executives that have chosen our publication over the tens
of thousands of magazines that are out there to read. It’s
caused us to ask “what are we doing that other maga-
zine’s are not?” In asking that question, we noticed that
we are only interested in showing how the Caribbean is
growing to become an undeniable economic force in the
world. An economy most known and celebrated for its
tourism is so much more than just a tourist destination.
It has actually become a destination that, once toured,
convinces many visitors to become permanent residents.
It’s such a vast contrast between the Caribbean and the
rest of the world in regards to economic/political views
and interests. In the US, although improving, there are
fewer jobs than there are the masses of those looking for
work. Whereas in countries like Trinidad & Tobago, for in-
stance, there are far more jobs than there are people to fill
those jobs. They literally have a surplus of jobs waiting for
people to fill the positions (if you’re an American looking
for a job, you may want to catch the next flight out and set
up a few interviews for yourself…it’s not a bad thought). As
other economies around the world have made it very dif-
ficult on businesses to start and run profitably, countries
like Jamaica has increased its venture capital to become
a prominent garden of thriving businesses. Recently rat-
ed, by Forbes Magazine (okay, hold on. Why am I giving
another business magazine some publicity in ours? Hmm,
I’m not sure, exactly, but considering that its helping to
make my point get my point, I’ll allow it for now. By the
way, it’s only fitting that I mention that they (Forbes Maga-
zine) just happen to be subscribers and fans of Business
View Caribbean, so in essence I guess I’m just endorsing
a colleague and not so much promoting the competition…
and I’m actually okay with that), as “the best country in
the Caribbean to do business.” Who would’ve known, or
speculated that? Well, that’s just it. We hear so much of
the negative narrative surrounding topics of the Carib-
bean economy, that it’s hard to fathom the factual reality
of its flourishing business climate. A climate fueled by the
dedicated and savvy business executives that have suc-
cessfully managed the growth and strength of the manu-
facturing, construction, energy, logistics, infrastructure,
and tourism sectors throughout the land!
We, here at Business View Caribbean, have noticed the
rapid economic pace that the Caribbean has been grow-
ing at for the past 12 to 18 months, and it’s been an amaz-
ing transition to watch. As we receive comments from our
readers about their appreciation for the fresh and uplift-
ing portrayal of the companies and countries we feature,
we often comment amongst each other that it’s not a very
hard task to accomplish. The countries we feature are
vibrant and flourishing. The companies we interview are
energetic and full of fresh concepts and uplifting mission
statements. The government officials and ministries that
we cover are tireless in their efforts to bring its citizens a
reality of the vision that they have long painted, and are
now able to place on the wall for all to view. And while it
may not always be perfect, meaning without flaws, with-
out complications, without setbacks, without opposition,
it has certainly become what we, here at Business View
Caribbean, can easily identify as “A Masterpiece!” Each
island and country, every citizen within, and all entities
involved all deserve a publication like Business View Ca-
ribbean to remind them, along with the rest of the world,
how uniquely exquisite the Caribbean is now, and how
blindingly illuminate the future is shaping to become.
And while there’s always two sides to every story, and
more than one angle to every side, you can always trust
and depend on us to give you the Business View. We thank
you for your readership and your devotion.
Until next month, plan, build, and continue to prosper.
Andre S. Barefield
Vice President – Business View Caribbean