Business View - November 2014 77
when you start a business. We had some very lucky
moments to keep ourselves going.
Q: How challenging is acquiring talent to stabilize a
new entity?
A: It’s like having a brand-new baseball team in the
major leagues. You’re not going to get very good play-
ers who want to come play for you. Once you finally
get one that’s good, that helps you attract another and
then another, and pretty soon you can start establish-
ing a methodology for how you’re going to acquire tal-
ent and how you’re going to train and how you’re going
to bring them into the fold and make them feel like
they’re a team player.
That comes backs to your philosophy on how you’re
going to run your company – whether you’re going to
be a top-down company or whether you’re going to be
in the trenches with your guys.
There are a lot of people who drive desks who don’t
understand how physically exhausting it can be to be
out in the field, day after day after day and hour after
hour. I don’t like people working for me. We work to-
gether. I don’t like the term ‘boss’ and I don’t like the
term that ‘I work for him.’ We work together.