Business View Caribbean - Nov 2014 69
Because jerk has, Ian Garbutt said, “become a world-
wide accepted genre of food,” the company is seeking
more local farmers to work with to assure production
of the necessary amount of raw materials for it and
other products. He anticipates adding a full shift’s
worth of production personnel at the factory and aims
for the doubling of sales figures within three years.
“We’ve held off to a degree on going into new and fur-
ther markets far and wide, when markets that are right
under our nose, so to speak – like the U.S., Canada
and England – markets that we know and understand,
are untapped. There is a huge, huge area for growth
that we see, the more that jerk becomes accepted. A
lot of the larger manufacturers are now adding jerk to
their range of sauces and a lot of restaurant chains
are adding jerk to their menus.
“We’re working with that and working into that. We’re
headed north. Our sales are growing.”
Associated Manufacturers Ltd.
Manufacturer and distributor of Carib-
bean foods under the Busha Browne, Jamaican
Joe and Walkerswood brands, in domestic and
overseas markets that include the United States,
Canada and the United Kingdom
Kingston, Jamaica