32 August 2015 - Business View Caribbean
C & D Construction & Engineering Limited
“Unless the lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it …”
C & D Construction & Engineering Limited, in Man-
deville, Jamaica, specializes in building construction,
civil engineering, electrical works, and building main-
tenance. The company was created in 1995 by Clive
Wint and his brother Dalton, to supply housing solu-
tions to the community of Mandeville and the rest
of Jamaica. It began operations in 2001, after Wint
finally left his successful career as a site manager and
engineer in the construction industry in order to fulfill
his entrepreneurial dream of launching his own enter-
prise and providing jobs for his fellow Jamaicans.
Some of C & D’s construction and civil engineering
services include: architectural designs, building con-
struction and renovation, re-roofing, re-painting, door
and window installation, drainage system design and
construction, electrical rewiring and inspection, ma-
terial haulage, concrete block making and installing,
and project management. Since beginning operations
14 years ago, the company has had various contracts
with Alpart Mining Venture, now Alumina Partners of
Jamaica (ALPART), as well as other commercial institu-
tions and private individuals.