34 August 2015 - Business View Caribbean
At first, C& D intended to work primarily in the private
sector, constructing and refurbishing residential and
commercial buildings. However, a shift in the indus-
try’s financial environment – specifically a dearth of
government water and infrastructure projects that are
necessary for new home construction - encouraged
the company to seek out public sector work, as well.
Today, Wint and his 30 full-time and 40+ temporary
workers also take on civic projects such as health cen-
ters, post offices, and schools.
Like many other businesses in the housing industry in
Jamaica and elsewhere, Wint’s company was severely
set back during the Great Recession. In fact, it would
not have survived, at all, if not for his investment of
some personal funds and the laying off of numer-
ous workers. However, C & D did endure while other
companies did not. Although not completely back to