64 August 2015 - Business View Caribbean
Lifespan Company Limited
Jamaican company prospers by bottling some of the world’s purest water
The Blue Mountains are the longest mountain range
in Jamaica, dominating the eastern third of the is-
land. Blue Mountain Peak, at 7402 feet, is Jamaica’s
highest point. Whereas the island’s average rainfall is
77 inches per year, the higher elevations of the Blue
Mountains can catch moisture-laden winds which
can then drop over 200 inches of rain, per year, upon
them. At the bottom of the Blue Mountains, is the
Spring Garden Aquifer. It takes between 14 and 15
years for the rain that falls atop the Blue Mountains to
funnel through the mineral rock within them and into
the aquifer, below, a waterway that stretches beneath
the land and reaches beyond the Northern Coastal
parish of Portland, Jamaica to the sea.
Spring Garden is also the home of the Lifespan Com-
pany Limited. Lifespan bottles the water that gushes
from one of the seven springs it owns that are con-
nected to the Spring Garden Aquifer. The flow rate of
that particular spring is over 900 gallons per minute,
or 473 million gallons of water, per year. But more im-
portant than the amount of water that flows from the