BVC - August 2015 - page 65

Business View Caribbean - August 2015 65
aquifer’s many springs, is its quality. Because water
that has passed through, and been filtered by, mineral
rock for a decade and a half is not only extremely pure,
oxygenated, and bacteria-free, it is also highly alka-
lized. And high alkalinity is prized as a very important
element in the areas of health, vitality, and taste, as
they relate to the bottled water industry.
Lifespan was founded in 2005 by Devon and Nayana
Williams. Ms. Williams is the company’s Managing Di-
rector. She recounts Lifespan’s genesis and how she
and her husband came to operate, what is today, an
enormously successful business enterprise, but one
that started out small and humble, although with high
aspirations: “We wanted to do something that was
beneficial for consumers that was not just about mak-
ing a profit for ourselves,” she says. “And we wanted to
create employment. We identified what we wanted to
do, which was the bottled water business.” Providen-
tially, Devon Williams’ family had been using the water
from the spring for many years, but, even so, starting a
Lifespan Company Ltd.
A bottler and exporter of natural, alkalized
spring water
Spring Garden, Buff Bay, Portland,
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