114 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 115
Grupo Bocel
Pasta and more
Grupo Bocel consists of two large companies: Indus-
trial Dominicana, a manufacturer of pasta products,
and Cibao Valley Mills, a maker of flour for the bak-
ing of cookies and biscuits. Industrial Dominicana was
founded in the early 1960s by Bolivar Reynoso Dajer
and Doña Celeste Fernandez de Reynoso, who noticed
a shortage of pasta products in the country and want-
ed to provide low-cost alternatives to the customers
who visited their store.
In 1962, Don Bolivar went to Italy to acquire pasta mak-
ing machinery from the Braibanti firm for the produc-
tion of long noodle pasta and other short pastas, such
as macaroni and mostacholis. The machinery arrived
in 1963, and two years later operations began. Since
then, the company has been producing quality pasta
products, under the Pasta Princess brand, reaching
every corner of the country. Products include: spa-
ghetti, noodles, mostacholis, penne, small and large
coditos, rigatoni, ravioli, gnocchi, natural and tricolor
spirals, lasagna, and cannelloni.
In 1994, Don Bolivar founded Cibao Valley Mills, a
wheat mill capable of processing 300 tons of flour per
day. In 2009, the plant began making cookies, cakes,
and crackers. Recently, the Bocel Group expanded the
range of its Aviva brand crackers with the launch of
Aviva Fine Herbs, a product that offers consumers the
tastes of parsley, oregano, and basil. These new fla-
vors were aimed at an adult audience looking to enjoy
new, healthful, wheat-based products.
Grupo Bocel’s current general manager is Ruben
Grupo Bocel
A manufacturer and distributor of pasta
products, cookies, cakes, and crackers
Santiago and Santo Domingo, Domini-
can Republic