98 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 99
CaribSupply has been a premier supplier of pure oxygen and bulk oxygen storage systems to medical facilities across the Caribbean. We: • Deliver and supply compressed oxygen in cylinders • Install bulk liquid oxygen systems for efficient supply • Install piped medical gases service • Provide reserve supplies of oxygen as required Medical institutions also rely on CaribSupply for anesthetic, surgical gases and specialty gases manufactured to the highest purity. www.caribsupply.comnology. Teleradiology is already well-developed at the
Hospital – our lab is fully computerized; results are
now available online in real time, remotely and elec-
tronically. And the Ministry has embarked on a nation-
al health management solution system which will now
see the true computerization of the primary, second-
ary, and tertiary care facilities, where electronic medi-
cal recording will be the order of the day, allowing for
the seamless movement of patients from the ‘point of
connect’ to the hospital and across the continuum of
As Queen Elizabeth Hospital embarks upon its sec-
ond half century, Dr. James proudly asserts that the
facility’s diversity of services is unrivaled by any pub-
lic healthcare system. “Queen Elizabeth Hospital pro-
vides the widest range of public health services that
you can find in any one setting,” he declares. “Persons
can access care without having to worry about the
costs. And the fees that we charge to non-nationals
and those who come from overseas are exceedingly
low, but the quality is exceedingly high. The breadth
and depth of services that we offer is unsurpassed.”
Queen Elizabeth Hospital of Barbados – “Getting Bet-
ter Together.”
A.A. Laquis Barbados Ltd.
– A.A. Laquis Barbados Ltd.
is one of the largest indigenous distribution companies
in the region with a diversified portfolio of Healthcare,
First Aid, and Consumer businesses. The company is
committed to improving the longevity and quality of life
for the Barbadian people through home health care,
education on lifestyles that promote healthy living, and
products that can equip consumers to achieve their
health and wellness goals. Its Medical Division exists
to provide life saving equipment and supplies to both
government and private health care institutions, medi-
cal schools, and professionals across the Caribbean,
and with over 15,000 skus, it is the largest supplier of
these medical products across the Caribbean - from
hospitals in Jamaica in the North, to Guyana in South
America. -
www.aalaquis.comBryden Stokes Ltd.
– One of the largest distribution
companies on Barbados, Bryden Stokes Ltd. (BSL) has
three business divisions: Food & Consumer, Brewery,
Wine, Spirits & Tobacco, and Health & Wellness. Its
Health and Wellness division supplies pharmaceuti-
cals, medical and surgical equipment, and healthcare
products from its portfolio of healthcare companies.
www.brydenstokes.comMed-X International Inc
. – Med-X International pro-
vides superior cardiac, as well as general medical
products and accessories to hospitals, distributors,
and importers throughout the world. Supplies include,
but are not limited to: Guide wires, Introducer Systems
& Kits, Vascular Access, Arterial, Specialty and Biopsy
Needles, Manifolds, Control Syringes, Thermodilution,
Embolectomy, and Wedge Pressure Catheters, Pres-
sure Transducers, and most ancillary catheterization
supplies. -
www.med-x.comCaribsupply Inc.
www.caribsupply.comBiokal Ltd.