90 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 91
dred by thirty-five,’ which is what the island measures in miles,” she
declares. “So, we’re actively participating in different trade fairs and
missions in different countries to increase our market reach abroad.
We have an export team, dedicated to make it happen.”
For more than 38 years, Danosa Caribbean has been delivering the
highest-quality, pre-fabricated roofing solutions to architects, devel-
opers and builders, roofing contractors, and homeowners. And that’s
a good thing. Because, when the weather gets tough, it’s important
to know that the roof overhead is equally tough - so that it can do the
job it was meant to do.
Karnak Corporation
– The Karnak Corporation manufactures a com-
plete line of reflective coatings, cements, and sealants for roofing
and waterproofing, and is the leading manufacturer of Energy Star
labeled coatings. All of its products are rated for fire resistance and
wind uplift by UL and FM, and are certified by UL to comply with ASTM
(American Society for Testing and Materials) specifications. -www.
karnakcorp.comFortiflex, Inc.