84 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 85
Danosa Caribbean Inc.
For when the weather gets tough
Having a roof over one’s head is vital. The need for
shelter is a definitive one, and a sturdy roof has always
been the symbol of humanity’s reliance on this essen-
tial element of survival. A strong roof provides safety
from the elements – and if it does not, if it allows the
rain to leak through, it is not doing the job it is meant
to do, nor living up to the expectations of the human
beings below it. Making sure that roofs do their job is
the mission of Danosa Caribbean, Inc. of Puerto Rico.
Danosa is a world-class manufacturer of SBS (styrene-
butadiene-styrene) and APP (atactic-polypropylene)
roll waterproofing membranes. All of Danosa’s prod-
ucts are manufactured in the company’s 50,000
square foot facility in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, and then
distributed to residential, institutional, and commer-
cial buildings throughout the island and beyond. Made
from various materials such as asphalt, bitumen, fiber-
glass, polyester, polyethylene, aluminum, ceramic, sil-
ica, and the aforementioned synthetic rubbers, rolled
roofing provides the water-tightness that every roof re-
The company began its operations in 1978, as a
subsidiary of Danosa Spain, which saw the island of
Puerto Rico as the most logical place to expand its
corporate reach into the western hemisphere. Up until
that time, rolled roofing was strictly a European tech-
nology; today, it is an industry standard, everywhere.
“Everybody that has a roof, whether it’s a house, or
an institutional building like a hospital or a school, or
Danosa Caribbean Inc.
A manufacturer of rolled-roof membranes
and roofing products
San Juan, Puerto Rico