78 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 79at a new facility that we hope to develop for corporate
jets and other types of general aviation.” (FBOs pro-
vide services such as fueling, hangaring, tie-down and
parking, aircraft rental, aircraft maintenance, flight in-
struction, etc.)
“We have also been upgrading a new fire station, and
we’re looking into creating other sorts of development
for the airport, like a maintenance, repair, and over-
haul facility (MRO),” Nicolaas continues. “So, there are
quite a few developments going on at this present time
at the Airport to make sure that we are well-positioned
to manage the growth that we expect both in passen-
gers and cargo, but also in other types of activities,
like the FBOs, corporate jets, and the MRO that will be
coming to Bonaire in the coming years.”
While Nicolaas says that capital improvements that
are considered necessary for airport safety - such as
the new air traffic control tower and the new runway
apron - are financed through grants from the Dutch
Government, developments such as a new passenger
terminal, or an FBO, will have to be partly financed
by private investors. “We’re looking for public/private
partnerships - PPPs,” Nicolaas says. “The Bonaire Air-