Letter From The Editor – January 2024

written by BVC January 31, 2024
Letter From The Editor

Dear Readers,

As the new year embarks, locals and tourists continue to hit the aquamarine-colored, water-lined beaches in souring numbers to beat the wintery climates they left behind.

While tourists may be arriving in droves with the intent to slow down, relax, and unwind, the opposite can be said about the companies we were fortunate to profile for this month’s issue of Business View Caribbean.

As tourists enjoy all that this pristine region of the world has to offer, companies based in the thriving islands are hard at work implementing new year initiatives with the renewed energy that a new year brings.

Locals continue to look at home improvements, while businesses across the islands are always in need of expert help to keep their operations efficient and cost-effective.

Two leading companies among those we profiled for our January issue have the local expertise to help homeowners and businesses stay on course when it comes to home/office improvements and sustainability efforts- Williams Solar and Gorham’s Ltd. Both companies are well respected and embedded in the local market, providing the services residents are consistently turning to.

Our editorial team also sat down for an in-depth interview with the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), a government-associated entity dedicated to improving the housing sector in the region as well as addressing ongoing affordability issues.

With bold and innovative housing solutions, CHPA is aiding in not only finding ways to increase local housing options but also managing some of the financial pitfalls that locals may encounter on the path to home ownership in the Caribbean Islands.

It is as clear as the crystal waters surrounding the islands that continued growth is on the Caribbean horizon, as are the progressive initiatives of those we were fortunate to chat with.

All three organizations we were fortunate to interview set the bar high in their respective business agendas and demonstrate the drive towards excellence we have seen time and time again across the region.

With sustainability in mind, best business practices up front, and a resilient economy at their fingertips, the undeniable draw of the Caribbean islands remains tangible.

As with every issue, my hope as Editor in Chief is that our valued readers continue to learn something as all of you also enjoy your families over the holidays.

Karen Surca

Editor in Chief

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