Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2015 71
Traditional light bulbs generate a lot of heat while
they’re generating light. That heat is useless in terms
of the bulb’s main function, which is to provide illu-
mination, but it still uses up a great deal of electrical
energy, nonetheless. In contrast, LED lighting runs at
room temperature. More important, LED lights have a
much longer life span. Most LED products have a mini-
mum 50,000+ hours rating, which means they could
last for over 10 years depending on usage. Caribbean
LED Lighting produces a wide variety of leading edge,
LED lighting products – bulbs, tubes, flood lights, high
bay ceiling fixtures, flat panels, and wall packs - as well
as other energy saving products and services.
Starting with only two workers, Caribbean LED Light-
ing now has 40 employees, and continues to recruit
talented people. “The business is growing very fast,”
says Reid. “We’ve seen double-digit compound growth
since we started. We’ve got an 8000 square-foot fac-
tory and we’ve just taken on another 4000 square
feet, next door. We’ve just opened up a new production
line for new products, so we’re adding products to our
portfolio on a fairly regular basis. We have some really
exciting products under development and some state-
Caribbean LED Lighting
Manufacturer of LED (Light Emitting Di-
ode) lighting products
St. Michael, Barbados