Caribbean LED Lighting - page 6

Business View Caribbean
74 September 2015 - Business View Caribbean
As the four-year old company grows and matures, so
does its innovative technologies, Reid elaborates:
“We’re developing a renewable energy division. We’ve
pioneered the use and application of hybrid street
lights, where you have a wind turbine with solar panels
driving the street light and we found with that, there
was excess energy, excess electricity which we were
dumping into the ground. So, then we rigged up elec-
tric gates and closed-circuit TV cameras to run off that,
and we still had excess energy. Then we developed
base-charging units where students could re-charge
their mobile devices for free. We actually installed this
at the University of West Indies in Barbados and in
Trinidad. That was patented and it’s the first of its kind
in the world. And now we’re taking that technology off
of the street light and putting it on buildings. We’re of-
fering an off-grid, renewable, energy solution - a hybrid
solution of wind turbine and solar panels.”
Reid’s ambitions for creating a sustainable energy
future for the islands are grand: “We want to work
with the Barbados government, and other country’s
governments, towards a hundred percent renewable
situation. Barbados can go a hundred percent renew-
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