14 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 15
Police Body Cameras to be
Deployed in Jamaica
strong and effective policing represented one pillar
of his ministry’s five-pillar strategy to reduce crime.
Montague indicated that the use of body-worn cam-
eras is an element to be used to build trust between
the citizens and the police.
“This effort is a significant investment in improving
transparency in the conduct of police operations. It
provides an impartial third witness, especially in cas-
es where accusations of biases and wrongdoings
on the part of the police may be made,” he said.
The minister is expecting that the cameras, which
are to be worn on the pockets or vests of the police,
will aid in safeguarding the rights of the police and
citizens. He noted that the handover of the cameras
represented a further step in efforts to provide the
police with the necessary tools and resources to
perform their duties professionally and
Meanwhile, United States ambassador
to Jamaica, Luis Moreno, said the body
camera is not a “panacea” but rather a
“great step in the right direction.” He
said the project represented one of the
broad partnerships in crime prevention
on which the United States and Jamai-
ca have collaborated, and stressed the
importance of regional coordination as
an essential ingredient to combating
Accepting the body cameras, Police
Commissioner, Dr Carl Williams, said
they “mark the start of a new chap-
ter in police accountability.” He said
the devices would enable the build-
ing of public trust between police and
citizens and provide protection against
false accusations. The commissioner
noted that persons using the cameras
will be trained and certified, and that
those given cameras will be monitored.
Superintendent of Police in Charge of the Informa-
tion and Communication Technology Division, Norris
Rhoomes, in a demonstration of the cameras, de-
scribed them as tamper-proof. He said each cam-
era carries a serial number, which will be assigned
to the police officer, adding that they are equipped
with capabilities for recording night and day footage,
up to five to ten hours, and can be kept for a period
of time.
A total of 120 body cameras are to be deployed in
six police divisions in Jamaica, with the aim of build-
ing a strong and effective police force. Over time,
the body camera project, which is a collaborative ef-
fort between the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF)
and the United States Embassy, will benefit the rest
of the Force. Speaking at the launch on August 25,
National Security Minister, Robert Montague, said