22 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 23
Caribbean Water and
Wastewater Association
Handling unique water and waste challenges in the Islands
The Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association
(CWWA) is a regional, non-governmental organization
established by an Act of Parliament in Trinidad & Toba-
go in 1991. Originally formed by a group of engineers,
the initial purpose was to leverage the experience of
water and wastewater experts throughout the Carib-
bean. One key aspect being considered at the time
was whether they could become a certifying body for
engineers in the water sector; providing the consisten-
cy required to establish guidelines for certification of
professional engineers in the region.
Over time, the Association’s scope expanded to repre-
sent water, wastewater, and solid waste professionals
from public and private sectors. Today, CWWA mem-
bership includes not only engineers, but practitioners,
scientists, technicians, policy developers – anyone in-
volved with water and waste management.
Their mission is clear and commendable: CWWA
brings together the Caribbean water and sanitation
community for the protection of public health and the
promotion of sustainable development. Through col-
lective leadership, the Association positively influenc-
es advancements in technology, education, science,
management, and country and regional policies in the
water and sanitation field.
While the primary focus has been on water and waste-
water, the CWWA now deals with a third component;
solid waste and waste management. Support of ongo-
ing education and training in water supply, wastewa-
ter, and solid waste disposal, ensures an availability of
skilled manpower and well-informed members of the
public. The Association also encourages research and
development in the water and waste sector, and publi-
cation of the results, to further the goal of technologi-
cal advances in the Caribbean.
Conquering unique challenges
CWWA President, Jason Johnson, emphasizes that
there are unique characteristics of water management
in the Caribbean. “People assume, since we are all
part of the same region, that all the problems are the
same,” he says. “That is not the case. We have water
scarcities in some areas and flooding issues in oth-
ers. All manner of things being influenced by climate
change, by agricultural factors, by even the most con-
ventional issues, like water mains that have been in
use for decades and decades.”
To best handle distinct regional differences, the CWWA
has designated national sections. Larger islands in-
cluding Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, and Grenada
each have one national section. Some of the smaller
islands have sub-regional sections, giving them the
ability to interact with one another. For example: Gua-
deloupe and Martinique are part of a French section;
Saint Lucia and Dominica are part of another. As small
islands, they are able to share input on their needs,
even though they may not have enough attendance to
sustain a national section.
Caribbean Water and Wastewater Associa-
tion (CWWA)
The preeminent Association of profes-
sionals and practitioners for water and waste sec-
tors in the Caribbean
Based in Trinidad, W.I.