58 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 59
night accommodation numbers have seen increases
of 15 to 22 percent monthly from January to July of
2016. The majority of visitors still come from Canada
and the US, but European and South American mar-
kets are coming on board. Consistent growth is pre-
dicted for the future, as more travelers are lured by ex-
panded marketing initiatives to choose Belize as their
go-to destination.
BTIA continues to develop projects based on market
trends, globalization, and membership needs. One key
event is the Belize Tourism Expo (BETEX) that takes
place every two years. The upcoming show in May
2017 promises to be the best yet. Burgos says, “We
bring travel agents from all over the world to meet with
our local tour operators and service providers over a
three-day period. This is the only event of its kind in
Belize, and reinforces the purpose of the Association
to support and provide networking opportunities for
our members.”
“Destination Belize” is a signature magazine produced
by BTIA, and the only publication featuring a full per-
spective of the country. Print copies are distributed
worldwide through Belize diplomatic offices, and by
BTIA Board Members attending international travel
and road shows. The Belize Hotel Association assists
with national distribution, while BTIA members ensure
the magazine is available at every hotel in the country.
“This year, for the first time, we are expanding the Des-
tination Belize marketing platform to promote Belize
globally,” says Burgos. “We are producing an electronic
version, available by app, as well as a dedicated web-
site just for the magazine. The key factor is to make
it accessible to everyone. Keyword-coded technology
will make downloading easy and accessible from any-
BTIA is thrilled to announce that this is the first app
to promote Belize as a tourist destination. The official
launch of the new website and the online ‘e-book’ edi-
tion of Destination Belize is slated for October 3, 2016.
Open for business!
Belize is a tropical treasure whose time has come.
And BTIA is working tirelessly to spread the word. Af-
filiations with other private sector tourism entities –
locally, regionally, and internationally – allow sharing
of knowledge and experience. Burgos adds, “We can
be beneficial to other countries in similar positions on
how to challenge the system and be successful. Any-
one interested in visiting or doing business in Belize,
feel free to contact BTIA and we can easily align them
with our members, based on the needs and services
they require.”