54 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 55
Belize Tourism Industry Association
The voice for private sector tourism in paradise
Beautiful Belize. A destination akin to paradise. And
a hands-down favorite getaway location for business
travelers and pleasure seekers, alike. Three decades
ago, when the Belize Tourism Industry Association was
created, the tourist industry was in its infancy on the
island. Today, with the burgeoning growth and success
of all manner of tourism-related enterprises in the re-
gion, never-before seen challenges are arising… and
the BTIA is one busy and dedicated entity.
In the early 1980s, a group of forward-thinking indi-
viduals saw the huge potential of the tourism industry,
and realized the need for a united voice for the private
sector. Led by Mrs. Jean Shaw, the group formed the
Belize Tourism Industry Association, which was incor-
porated under the laws of Belize in 1989, and is now
one of the country’s largest non-profit organizations.
Executive Director, John Burgos, is responsible for the
overall supervision of the BTIA National Secretariat
by coordinating and implementing policies and proce-
dures in Governance, Administration, Revenue Gener-
ation, Membership Outreach and Development, Com-
munication and Marketing, Lobbying, and Advocacy.
Burgos knows the Association inside-out, and gives
some interesting insight on the back story:
“In the ‘80s, there was no Ministry of Tourism, no Be-
lize Tourism Board. The main industries at the time
were sugar cane, citrus, and banana exports. Tourism
was nowhere on the government roster, so a group of
individuals established the Belize Tourism Industry As-
sociation to be a much-needed voice for hotel owners,
Belize Tourism Industry Association
Non-profit organization representing the
Belize tourism industry
National Office in Belize City, Belize