52 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 53
Williams agrees: “A tourist told me, this morning, if he
wants to go to ‘Palm Beach,’ he’ll go to the competi-
tion, but if he wants to go to true Bimini, he’ll go to
Big Game. We market ourselves as a genuine Bimini
experience. We’re run by an all-Bahamian team. When
guests come here, they really feel that they’re connect-
ing with family members. We do everything to make
them happy.”
In addition, Williams says that Big Game is “one of the
few small hotels in the Caribbean that is headed by
a CHA, a Certified Hospitality Administrator, and has
a licensed boat captain as a marina manager.” Also,
the resort has a joint venture with Neal Watson’s Bi-
mini Scuba Center which is located at the Big Game
Club, and operates a 55-foot glass bottom dive boat,
well-suited to accommodate divers, snorkelers, and
sightseers. In addition to reefs, wrecks, and wall div-
ing, the Dive Center offers Great Hammerhead Shark,
Wild Dolphin, Reef Shark, and Sting Ray Safaris. PADI
certifications and courses are also available.
Now that the Big Game has completed its renovations,
Williams expects that its occupancy rate will increase
from its current 50 to 60 percent, which will likely help
boost the resort’s profits. “Since the six years of the
current ownership, this is the first year that we made
a profit every month,” he reports. Williams would also
like to augment his staff training agenda and see that
they are given certification in several professional ar-
eas. Lastly, he says that he hopes that Sharkey’s Res-
taurant, with its new bar, becomes a “hot spot in Bi-
mini for entertainment.”
The Bimini Big Game Club Resort & Marina – still the
“big game in town.”
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