40 September 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Business View Caribbean - September 2016 41
coffers. “We want to become a financially viable entity
and be a net earner for the government,” he declares.
He also likes to think about ways that the agency can
expand its revenue stream, such as bottling water
and competing with private sector companies in that
arena. “Since our water has a more superior quality
and taste than some that is already on the market,”
he asserts. “So there are opportunities that we could
look at. But first, the agency has to make sure that the
supply of water is reliable and then we can venture
into other areas and do those value-added projects.”
Meanwhile, Barnett insists that clean water, in and of
itself, is still one of Jamaica’s most valuable “curren-
cies,” and providing it to as many residents, business-
es, and tourists, as possible, it is key for the country’s
future growth. “Our vision is to contribute positively to
national development,” he asserts. “We want to ensure
that the residents have access to regular, high-quality,
potable water, and secondly, we want to ensure that
the services that we provide encourage investment in
the various sectors that the government is targeting
– tourism cannot flourish without a reliable supply of
water; certain industries are unlikely to survive without
a reliable source of water. So, we consider ourself the
backbone of, if not the main ingredient for, national
development, because water touches all spheres. Wa-
ter is really what determines the health of the nation
and the level of development that can take place in a
And that is why the motto of Jamaica’s National Water
Commission is “Serving You in so Many Ways.”
Hood-Daniel Well Company Ltd.
- www.hooddaniel.
Caribbean Maritime Institute
www.cmi.edu.jmOmni Industries
www.omniindustriesltd.com With the compliments of: HOOD-DANIEL WELL COMPANY LTD Spur Tree, Manchester Tel: 964-6381-3 Fax: 964-6383 Email: info@hooddanielwell.com Sales & Service: Industrial Pumps Gas Chlorination Equipment Water Well Drilling Water Well Rehabilitation Down Hole Camera Inspection Distributor in Jamaica for: