BVC June 2015 - page 25

Business View Caribbean - June 2015 25
Exposure of products is everything and the hallmark of
the BMA has been its “Buy Bajan, Buy Local” theme. In
2001, the Association launched its “Buy Local” cam-
paign, a program designed to capture the imagination
of consumers, make them aware of the range of lo-
cally produced products and instill a sense of pride
when they bought local products. The program, which
is still integral to the Association’s work, encourages
consumers to check their labels and to choose to buy
local first, each and every time.
It is designed to save jobs, develop the sector and
reduce the national import bill. The effectiveness of
these campaigns is evident in the increased knowl-
edge and awareness of locally manufactured products
and in the increased sales realized by the sector.
“The reality is that the benefits to the country as a
whole are tremendous when we push the buying local
concept – not only for the manufacturers,” said BMA
President Karlene Nicholls. “We strive hard to main-
tain our relevance as an Association, and whether it is
a matter relating to the port and shipping, facilitating
financial assistance or training and skill development,
the Association is always agitating on behalf of its
members in order to ensure business continuity and
“Too often the importance of manufacturing to the na-
tional economy is underestimated. If we took a look at
global leaders like the USA who previously outsourced
their manufacturing we would recognize that they are
all bringing it back home. A country can’t trade ser-
vices for most of its goods. According to the WTO, 80
percent of world trade among regions is merchandise
trade — that is, only 20 percent of world trade is in
“My personal passion is to see continuous improve-
ment across the sector and see us move forward to-
gether and eradicate the misconceptions of manufac-
turing as a career dead-end industry. The sector holds
so many possibilities and opportunities. I want to see
businesses within the manufacturing sector grow, ex-
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