Letter From The Editor – April-May 2022

written by BVC April 26, 2022
Letter From The Editor

It’s such a pleasure to hear from executives in so many industry sectors that business is moving ahead, if not as usual, at least with positive momentum and plenty of optimism for the rest of 2022 and beyond!

In this edition of Business View Caribbean, we profile a trio of noteworthy entities that are doing their utmost best with innovation, dedication, and education to better the lives and environment for the citizens and communities they serve.

Our cover feature shares the ongoing success story of Pharmaceutical Services and Installations, LLC (PSI), based in Caguas, Puerto Rico. Established in 1990 to serve the Puerto Rican sanitary markets with high quality process equipment, PSI’s product offering has grown and evolved over the decades. Today, they represent and distribute some of the best known names, specializing in “clean industry” such as pharma, biotech, food & beverage, medical devices – the life sciences. With all the advances in technology, business is definitely on the upswing and according to PSI President, Andres Conde, “The future is full of possibilities!”

Then we move on to the Dominican Republic, where Compañía de Luz y Fuerza de Las Terrenas, SA (Light & Power Company of Las Terrenas) began operations in January 1994. Since then it has provided service to more than 10,000 residential, hotel, and commercial customers. Recognizing that electricity is the engine of development, the company has contributed to progress throughout the north and east of the Samaná peninsula for the last 30 years. They believe in making citizens more aware and better prepared to face the future. For this reason, Luz y Fuerza have made a commitment to the business development of the area, as well as a social responsibility commitment with the people.

When it comes to fulfilling your own leadership potential, Leadership Management® International (LMI) can guide you every step of the way. LMI is a world pioneer in professional development, organizational development, and strategic planning. During the program, LMI trains people on how to set goals, how to take action steps, what attitudes are needed, and how to develop those attitudes and the behavior and the actions needed to get where you want. LMI is avidly looking for new licensees in all the Caribbean countries and the northern part of South America. So if you enjoy changing people’s lives in a positive way, helping people accomplish goals and become successful, then taking on an LMI operation might be exactly what you’re looking for.

No matter your interest, there’s sure to be something to inspire you in this month’s issue of BVC. Be well my friends, keep smiling, and enjoy the read!

Lorie Lee Steiner

Editor in Chief

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