Business Viewers, here we go again; another year of new beginnings!!! That time of year when we all start looking in the mirror and wondering how many pounds we are promising to incinerate this year. (As is always the case with me, it’s the same exact amount as last year, and perhaps even a few more, considering that I added instead of lost. The key is to keep making promises that you’ll eventually, possibly consider, one day maybe, actually make good on!) And then, there’s staring at your bank account and vowing to put another zero on the end of those figures; examining your friends and family, and considering whom you may need to spend more or less time with; or making more important promises, like less sodium, more water, eliminate sugar, more rest, less stress, more laughter, meditation, education, organization, ambition, nutrition, fruition, transition (perhaps a good time to do just that, because this list can go on forever).
That said, I have a challenge for each of us. While it is always beneficial to focus on personal growth (it’s something that we will do every year, until we are no longer here to focus on anything) sometimes, the actual obstacles aren’t ours, individually, but, rather, ours collectively. In other words, if I’m in the import/export sector, and there are issues with logistics in my area, then those issues will affect my personal goal of exporting more materials this year. While I don’t want to increase the amount of blame we place outside of the responsibility of ourselves, I do want to acknowledge that many times there are issues outside of our influence that can affect our goals, wishes, and ambitions. This is a very pivotal moment in the development of the Caribbean region. It’s strong, yet fragile. The outlook is optimistic, while still also questionable. We are unified, but separate; unequal, and far too accepting of it.
I propose that we all take one year off from self-focus, to improve the unified productivity of our region. Let’s dedicate ourselves to the seamless integration of interregional social and business fluidity. If you’re not a member of an association in your sector, that should be your first step. Volunteer in assisting your government to engage with those who are writing policy to be of any counsel within your arena of knowledge. Reach out to your competitors, both locally and abroad, to collectively solve issues that affect the sector. You may be amazed at the level of support this might garnish, and, in turn, how much revenue it might yield in the near and distant future. Do this unselfishly – not with the intent to create more revenue, but simply to network in a fashion that uplifts and enhances the status, reputation, and unification of the region.
Business View Caribbean has the largest circulated subscriptions of executives in the Caribbean. I’m confident that each of you are extremely powerful leaders, and meticulously inciteful visionaries. You have grown your companies, and built your teams, by leaning on these attributes. So, while it may appear that I’m simplifying matters that are far more complicated than can be surmised in a one page editorial, I know to whom I’m speaking, and I know without question, that if we all dedicated one year, in unison, to this effort, the future of the Caribbean could be so bright that the sun may have to wear shades to shield the rays. (Yeah, I know that’s a bit grandiose, but I think you get the picture!).
Until next time, plan, build, and continue to prosper.