BVC Feb 2016 - page 16

16 February 2016 - Business View Caribbean
Jamaica Targeting Job Opportunities
in Global Animation Industry
The government is moving to position Jamaica
to tap into potential job opportunities in the glob-
al animation industry, estimated to be worth over
US$222 billion and for which there is a demand for
30,000 animators. Industry experts believe that of
this number, 5,000 can be filled by persons from the
Caribbean and, in this regard, the administration is
moving to capitalize on this by staging the second
KingstOOn Animation Conference and Afro-descen-
dant Film Festival.
The event, which is slated for March 12 to 13 in
Kingston, will, among other things, showcase the
talents and creativity of local animators. Julian Rob-
inson, State Minister for Technology, is optimistic
that Jamaica has animators capable of filling the
job openings. He pointed out that the country has
a “population of creative, talented, and tech savvy
youth, who are knowledgeable, aware, and sensi-
tive to the nuances of the culture (particularly) in (the
United States)”, which he said “is the major western
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