BVC March, 2016 - page 44

44 March 2016 - Business View Caribbean
The Desalination Company of
Trinidad & Tobago, Limited
Supplying clean water to trinidad’s industrial sector
Desalination, or desalinization, is a process that re-
moves dissolved salts and minerals from brackish
seawater in order to produce clean, fresh water that
is unsullied by natural or unnatural contaminants. The
Desalination Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Limited
(DesalcoTT) is a company whose desalination plant
intakes raw seawater from the Gulf of Paria, off the
country’s west coast, cleanses it of its mineral con-
tent, and then sells the purified water to the island’s
Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA), the company’s
sole customer. Approximately half of the produced de-
salinated water is then re-sold to some 20 processing
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